Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Things to carry around with you

I'm no Mary Poppins (remember that scene where she pulls all the items out from her bag?), but there are some items I have found helpful to carry around at all times.

1. Swiss army knife - scissors/knife/tweezers all-in-one!
2. Bandaids - Always helpful for that 'hurting' friend
3. A pen
4. Paper
5. Advil/Tylenol - pain can strike at any time!
6. Hand lotion - dry, so dry....
7. Water - thirstyyyy....

Wahoo! You're on your way to becoming a reliable friend/stranger and possibly a mini-hero!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Something I read last week...

I randomly picked up a graphic novel at the library last week.

Guy Delisle, a French-Canadian animator gets invited to work in the capital city of North Korea, Pyongyang, for 2 months. He illustrates to us his experience and observations during that time.

I particularly enjoyed his drawing style and humour.
The last page of the book was my favourite.